Host your site Worldwide

Choose your domain name and select from 35+ hosting destinations

18,00 USD / year
14,50 USD / year
15,00 USD / year
4,99 USD / year
7,16 USD / year
The prices is without 21% VAT.

Worldhosting order

Worldhosting order form.

  • FTP space and MySQL databases are established locally in the selected destination. E-mail services are provided from servers in the Czech Republic.
  • The order includes 1GB of web and SQL space and 1GB of email services.
  • Once the domain DNS is properly directed to the new hosting, it automatically generates Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates and HTTPS version release.
  • Webhosting supports PHP 7.0.x, Maria DB (MySQL) 10.x, .htaccess and the most used modules in PHP.

The news

09. 02. 2019 New node

New WorldHosting node in Serbia has been installed.