Host your site Worldwide

Choose your domain name and select from 35+ hosting destinations

18,00 USD / year
14,50 USD / year
15,00 USD / year
23,90 USD / year
6,71 USD / year
The prices is without 21% VAT.

Worldhosting order

Worldhosting order form.

  • FTP space and MySQL databases are established locally in the selected destination. E-mail services are provided from servers in the Czech Republic.
  • The order includes 1GB of web and SQL space and 1GB of email services.
  • Once the domain DNS is properly directed to the new hosting, it automatically generates Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates and HTTPS version release.
  • Webhosting supports PHP 7.0.x, Maria DB (MySQL) 10.x, .htaccess and the most used modules in PHP.


09. 02. 2019 New node

New WorldHosting node in Serbia has been installed.